Tuesday, April 22, 2008


During the past few weeks, Pastor Ken's messages have been about The Little "c", the local church. One of the goals for this series has been to call people's attention to the importance of being associated with a local church.

People in our post-modern society seem to have little desire for association, commitment and accountability, but Scripture seems to tell us that is not the way God intends us to live. The Bible indicates humans function best in close community, with a high level of mutual commitment and accountability.

Joining a local church shows commitment, makes close community available, and provides accountability. This past Sunday, 44 people joined our fellowship, and we have at least a dozen more in the process of counseling and baptism preparation.

This is exciting! These people are all showing they want to be a part of what is happening at Argyle, and want to do it in a way that shows their identification with Jesus as the head of the Church. After all, it really is Jesus the Church is all about- not the pastor, staff, or members. But we do get to work side-by-side with God in doing His work.

Hal Hunter

Friday, April 18, 2008

Financial Peace University ends...

The 13 weeks of our first Financial Peace University just concluded. Not everyone who started back in January completed the course, but those who did were excited about the things they learned and the progress they made.

We took a followup survey of family debt. Twenty-five families participated. Their aggregate debt when we took the first survey was $1,481,174. Now, ten weeks later, their debt is $1,325,176- a 10.5% reduction of $155,998, or an average of $6,240 per family!

While still a lot of debt, things are headed in the right direction with these families. Two families showed no reduction in their debt load, but four had reductions of $10,000 or more.

The biggest single message we heard from participants was new found confidence that things could be different in their financial lives, and that it really is possible to be debt free and at peace financially.

We will be offering the FPU again beginning August 27. Check the Financial Peace section of the web site for complete details and a registration form.

Hal Hunter

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Something new at Argyle...

We are introducing something new... TCAAShareCycle.

This is a great opportunity to share unneeded items with others within the Argyle family. It also serves to reduce the waste stream, conserving both energy and space in our landfill.

If you have (or need) an item you would like to share, consider TCAAShareCycle. It's free, but you do have to be a member of the Argyle family, you have to register, and there are a few rules to remember (click here to read the rules).

We really appreciate the effort and energy Patti Wall has spent in putting this together. She will serve as the moderator of the group.