Friday, December 18, 2009

Why The Church Needs To Change When Jesus Hasn't...

Here is a link to a post on Perry Noble's blog you need to read.

He is the Pastor of NewSpring Church in Anderson, South Carolina. He is just as passionate about God and being real and relevant for Christ as our own Pastor Ken. Perry's style is different but his message is the same.

The message is - we are here to reach people for Christ, not to protect ourselves in a Christian bubble. The people we are trying to reach are those who do not know Jesus yet.

The church should be a place where believers greet and welcome people, children, families, who are looking for Jesus. We are not trying to make people more like us; we are introducing them to Jesus so they can build a relationship with Him, choose to ask him to dwell in their hearts and become new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Perry doesn't pull any punches so please get past the language and hear the message, see this child through Jesus' eyes.

This is our job every week in the children's ministry. This is our job every day in a world looking for Christ but being criticized by Christians.

 Amy Gieger
Children's Ministry Director

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

We Are So Blessed...

I was just thinking today of all of the wonderful people that make our Singing Christmas Tree possible. Extra dear to my heart are the "behind the scenes" servants. These invaluable people never stand on stage or in the glow of the spotlight.

Alan Goode has the assembly of the tree structure down to a fine science. Thank you, Alan and all those who work with you to make the tree sturdy and safe.

Jerry McCann and Darren Prevatt worked tirelessly to keep the tree lights working.

John Santillo and his team served hundreds of cups of coffee and hot chocolate with a smile.

Mary Karpf, while dealing with her own sickness, flawlessly coordinated our childcare during the rehearsals and performances.

Stan Stufflebeam rehearsed the band (our band is awesome!), organized our music, put up the sign and took care of many details.

Keith Thompson put together the beautiful video graphics that the audience enjoyed during the show. Keith's video work is second to none.

Pastor Ken never fails to bring us stories that are relevant and moving. While many preachers are bent on "shucking the corn" our Pastor shares wonderful stories – just like Jesus did! Thank you, Pastor Ken for you support.

Mark Reed takes 48 inputs of audio in a very difficult environment and makes it sound good. Every good performance begins with good sound. Thank you, Mark.

Ken Krantz sets up and runs our stage lighting and spotlight. Kenny, you are invaluable.

Hal Hunter ordered the scaffolding and chairs, printed our posters, helped with set up, ran the computer for the choir and tons of other "little" things. Thank you, Hal.

Larry Coffey ran the computer for the audience while dealing with some very painful foot problems.

Gerry Mucha faithfully ran the video camera for all performances.

Diane Keuning is as faithful as the sun rising in the morning. She rehearsed the sopranos and altos and the Children's Choir and they were outstanding.

Phil Massicotte does the line up on the tree and helps me in many ways.

Ricky Travis coordinates our security. Ricky and his team spend the night to watch the equipment. We haven't lost anything yet!

And for those I left out, I apologize. I'm getting old. Anyway, I just wanted to say "Thank you" to all of you.

It was cool how many families were a part of the production. The whole Thompson Family, Jonathan and Emanuel (Tony, we miss you. There is a hole in our hearts when you're not playing. Our band is incomplete without you. We are all praying for your speedy recovery and your return.) Kim and David, Phil and Rachel, Ken and Becky, Ken and Lori, Sherri and Brooke, Rick and Donna (Donna is my dream come true. My ministry would be non-existent without her), Hal and Betty and many more!

Our band is exceptional. Our singers are the best anywhere. It's amazing the talent God has assembled in our small church family! You're not only good at what you do. You have a sweet spirit, too.

We are so blessed. Thanks for letting me hang around.

Rick Painter
Worship Arts Pastor

Monday, December 07, 2009

Why We Do It... A Guest Post

What a great service Sunday. Thanks so much to all of you for all you do!

I am guilty of taking for granted that our church will be there and will be great. Pastor Rick will have great music. The Worship Team will be great. Pastor Ken will have a moving and inspiring sermon. The KidStuf actors will rock.

I'm thankful that I can do my little part and serve as a baby toe in the church body. I tried doing "Word" in KidStuf and was sick with worry about remembering my lines every Saturday night. I tried being a lead teacher; again, I was sick with worry every Saturday night, and dreaded it, and knew that wasn't right.

But I can DANCE and smile. So I am happy to dance on the KidStuf floor and serve as the STAIRMASTER, keeping kids off the stairs and stage and go shhhhh to the noisy ones during the show.

I can dance in UpStreet too (its like a free aerobics class). And I CAN easily be a friend and listener and provide Jolly Ranchers to kids in UpStreet and assist crazy fun Don Eldridge in his kids small group. I'm so thankful to him for figuring out the curriculum and lesson, which boggles my mind many times. I'm happy to say shhhh while he speaks and to play the games, especially those boy vs. girls competitions that can be so riveting.

It's EZ to hug, smile, chat and encourage little ones and listen to their stories about a lost tooth, good grades, winning a soccer game, and to meet their friends and relatives.

I guess I'd like to inspire those folks who think they don't have a place at church that they do! Even if you aren't as comical as Kenny, eloquent as Mr. Dwight and Mrs. Linda. Even if you aren't a musician like the amazing Bass family and that awesome teenage drummer girl Cameron or you don't sing like Arlette (ssss..Stepping Stone). Or you are not actors or actresses who can remember lines and get on that KidStuf stage without vomiting.

Keep searching till you find your spot. Try things and if they don't work. Try something else until you find a comfy space, like I have.

Mary Maragy

Friday, December 04, 2009

God's Word - Weapon or Protection?

I had someone ask me this week, "Is it ever inappropriate to share God's word with a child and if so at what age?"

On the surface this is an easy question; right? Given some basic Bible knowledge, it's always appropriate to share God's word. However, with a little deeper knowledge of the Bible, there are some stories and verses that, in my opinion, are not age appropriate for children 4 and under or even some of the elementary aged crowd. Yes, I realized this was a loaded or trick question but from the person who asked it the trick was their motive. They worded the question to serve their purpose. They were also attempting to use my position in children's ministry to force my answer; i.e. "As a children's ministry director, at what age do you believe it inappropriate to share God's word with a child?"

Have you ever used God's word as a weapon? I mean, a weapon to justify your actions or to make someone else feel guilty? Have you ever used it to win an argument even if you knew you were taking His word out of context to do it? Maybe pulling out the verse about wives submitting to their husbands to "put a wife in her place" (Ephesians 5:21-33; read the whole thing) or the verse about money being the root of all evil, to blame money instead of our greed. The verse says the " of money is a root of all kinds of evil" (1 Timothy 6:10). I've had to read it myself.

I have so much yet to learn but in my relationship with Christ, He has never used His word to hurt me. His word builds me up, corrects me, comforts me, directs me, (directs me again and again) and gives me strength, grace, peace, joy, conviction, wisdom and love. His word is for protection against evil. it is an integral piece of the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). It is not ever to be mistaken for a weapon used in personal gain or justification.

So- let's think about how we use the Bible. Is it an every day part of life? Is is something only heard about on Sunday? What about only when there is one of those "controversial" stories in the news?

Please take the time to read it today and this week. Not just a verse or two or even a chapter- how about one whole book of the Bible? The books referenced above are some I would recommend, but really I suggest reading where you are led. Pray for God's guidance before opening the Bible. I'm genuinely interested in learning what you have to say about what you find.

And as for my answer to the question: As a children's ministry director and child of God I believe if you are sharing God's word to share His love, then there is no age limit. Pray with me that we continue to learn and grow in His word and will.

Wisdom and Joy in Christ,

About Worship...

Please print this and put it on your mirror:

“Most of my life, I thought that you went to church to worship. But now I see that the better approach is to go worshiping to church. Corporate worship works best when we arrive with something to offer God, as opposed to coming only to get something for us.”

Quoted from Louie Gigleo, from his book The Air I Breathe.

Rick Painter