Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Guest Post From Anita Sullivan...

The Church at Argyle rocks. Literally and figuratively. If you’ve ever worshipped with us, you know that. But last week, we had the chance to rock even more than usual, as we welcomed Kristian Stanfill to TCAA. Kristian is well known in the Christian music community, as a Dove Award winner, a worship leader for BigStuf youth camps and Passion conferences, leading as many as 40,000 in Worship at once. Bringing Kristian to Argyle was kind of a big deal, just ask the almost 700 people who packed the house.

Kristian’s music is not intended to be a performance, but simply a worship experience, intended for all- as he called it, just one big sing along. And it was, with heartfelt lyrics such as “You are light, you are light when the darkness closes in.... You are peace, you are peace when my fear is crippling... I'm running to your arms, I’m running to your arms, the richness of your love will always be enough…” and “I will not fear the war.... I will not fear the storm... My help is near…”

So much of the music he shares is about finding refuge with God in times of trouble that I asked Kristian why that was. He said that a lot of their newest music came out of a rough time in the life of his family, a rough time for his wife and he, and a rough time for their city. But he also understands that a lot of people are going through dark times and many of his words come straight from Psalms. The cries of people today are the same as cries of people for all times, and God is here now just as He was then. Kristian always knew that he wanted to be a musician, but it wasn’t until 2005 that he knew that leading worship was what God was calling him to do. And since that time, he could never have imagined where God would take him, but says it’s so much more and so much better than what he could have planned.

Through the show, the music took us through the experience of baring our hearts to God, but then the song “Put a Smile On” led us in celebrating all He has done. We sang “with a shout of a heart set free” and danced as we sang “dance, dance, dance in your freedom forever more.” It was a reminder that though we may be in a storm, we can still dance in His freedom and that even if our hearts hurt today, the same truth remains. But Kristian then circled back, closing with “This One Thing Remains” where we sang with the heartfelt belief that God never lets us go. It seemed to be a reminder from Kristian that our days of dancing and celebrating may be sandwiched between times of needing to run into His arms, but we’re never left there alone in the darkness.

After the show, when I had a chance to ask Kristian what he wanted people to walk away with, it was a simple answer. He wanted us to see Jesus more than anything. That is the reason the whole band does what they do, why he leaves home and misses his family (and wife due with their third baby just a few days from now). Because at some point, each of them had an experience that made them decide to follow Jesus, and that’s what they’re doing. We had people from many different backgrounds with us, and his prayer was that those who walked in knowing Jesus left rekindled, and those who didn’t know about the cross left knowing that something happened.

I’m thankful that Kristian and his band answered God’s call, and thankful for a church and a pastor who create experiences that allow us to welcome all in and create environments like this. Years ago, God called another man to lead worship, and he also answered that call, and then answered another call to become our Senior Pastor just a few years. He still rocks today. Literally and figuratively.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Pastor Rick speaks to our Worship Team...

Dear Worship Team,

Thank you for sharing your time and talent as a singer, player and technician.
We are SO blessed at Argyle. God is awesome. You are awesome. Thank you.

It's very important that you guard your heart.
It's very important that you have personal guard rails in place.
It's very important that you pray and study your Bible every day.
It's very important that you remind yourself of exactly why you play, sing and tech
and who you play, sing and tech for!

When we forget that, 
then we show up late, unprepared, with a heart far from being open to worship...
We'll be tempted to complain, be jealous, feel sorry for ourself and develop a bitter spirit.
We might even begin to think it's all about us!

There is too much at stake for our efforts to be misguided.
There is too much at stake for us to be complacent.
As worship leaders, it is our calling and our responsibility to lead our people into the very presence of God.
We can't lead where we haven't been.

Each week, spend quality time with God. Acknowledge His greatness. Confess your sins.
Pray for God's anointing on our worship.
Pray for your pastor (God knows he needs it.)

Each week, spend quality time with your music. Rehearse on your own. Listen to the mp3's online.
If you're confident with the music, that will allow you to worship freely.
Come prepared to offer Him your absolute best. He's worthy. He's so worthy.

God has blessed The Church at Argyle.
This Sunday, we will begin two worship gatherings to allow us to minister to more people and allow our Children's Ministry Team to attend our worship gatherings every week.

This opportunity will require greater commitment from all of us. I believe we are up to the task.

If I schedule music at the end of the worship gathering, it will be a solo.
That will allow you to leave, if you choose, after the music at the second worship gathering.
Please always attend at least one of the complete worship gatherings.

This is our new schedule:
8:00 am       Arrive/warm up/tune
8:15 am       Downbeat of the first song
9:00 am       First worship gathering
10:30 am     Second worship gathering

6:00 pm       Christmas rehearsal

Please invite people. You are our most effective outreach opportunity.

Here we go.
God's up to something good. It's exciting to be part of it!
I'll see you Sunday at 8!

Love you all,

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pastor Rick announces 40 Days in the Word...

Thank you for your response to "Do Something Now"!

Soon, The Church at Argyle will begin "40 Days in the Word".
It's my prayer that during this series we will all grow to
Love the Word
Learn the Word
Live the Word.

All of our existing LifeGroups will put their current study on hold for six weeks as we do "40 Days in the Word" together.

We will form new LifeGroups for the series for those who are not currently in a group. It's our prayer that all of our attenders will be in a LifeGroup during "40 Days in the Word".

I am asking for some of our current LifeGroup members to host a new group for the "40 Days in the Word" series. This would be in addition to your current LifeGroup for the six week series. If you would like to host a new group, please contact Hal at

If you are not currently in a LifeGroup, would you please prayerfully consider joining one of the new groups for the six week series. Please contact the office or sign up in the Welcome Center on Sunday.

"40 Days in the Word" schedule:
March 18, Sunday, 10 am, LifeLink to help everyone find a LifeGroup
March 24, Saturday, 6 pm, Prayer Gathering
March 25, Sunday, 10 am, "40 Days in the Word" Kick-off
March 25, all week, new Lifegroups meet to get acquainted
April 1, all week, studies begin in the Lifegroups
May 13, Sunday, 10 am, "40 Days in the Word" Celebration

Please pray for God to do great things in the Argyle family through "40 Days in the Word".
