Thursday, September 06, 2012

Pastor Rick speaks to our Worship Team...

Dear Worship Team,

Thank you for sharing your time and talent as a singer, player and technician.
We are SO blessed at Argyle. God is awesome. You are awesome. Thank you.

It's very important that you guard your heart.
It's very important that you have personal guard rails in place.
It's very important that you pray and study your Bible every day.
It's very important that you remind yourself of exactly why you play, sing and tech
and who you play, sing and tech for!

When we forget that, 
then we show up late, unprepared, with a heart far from being open to worship...
We'll be tempted to complain, be jealous, feel sorry for ourself and develop a bitter spirit.
We might even begin to think it's all about us!

There is too much at stake for our efforts to be misguided.
There is too much at stake for us to be complacent.
As worship leaders, it is our calling and our responsibility to lead our people into the very presence of God.
We can't lead where we haven't been.

Each week, spend quality time with God. Acknowledge His greatness. Confess your sins.
Pray for God's anointing on our worship.
Pray for your pastor (God knows he needs it.)

Each week, spend quality time with your music. Rehearse on your own. Listen to the mp3's online.
If you're confident with the music, that will allow you to worship freely.
Come prepared to offer Him your absolute best. He's worthy. He's so worthy.

God has blessed The Church at Argyle.
This Sunday, we will begin two worship gatherings to allow us to minister to more people and allow our Children's Ministry Team to attend our worship gatherings every week.

This opportunity will require greater commitment from all of us. I believe we are up to the task.

If I schedule music at the end of the worship gathering, it will be a solo.
That will allow you to leave, if you choose, after the music at the second worship gathering.
Please always attend at least one of the complete worship gatherings.

This is our new schedule:
8:00 am       Arrive/warm up/tune
8:15 am       Downbeat of the first song
9:00 am       First worship gathering
10:30 am     Second worship gathering

6:00 pm       Christmas rehearsal

Please invite people. You are our most effective outreach opportunity.

Here we go.
God's up to something good. It's exciting to be part of it!
I'll see you Sunday at 8!

Love you all,

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