Sunday, February 22, 2009

A New Series...

Pastor Ken is finished with "The Eleventh Hour and will begin a new series, "3-1-6." Let's listen to him explain a little about the new series.

Remember, if you have missed any of Pastor Ken's previous messages, they are online, both audio (since May, 2007) and video (since January, 2009).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A new tool... or is it a new toy?

Guys are into toys and technology. But, so is our whole society. So, we have a new toy, or as we prefer to think of it- a new tool to reach people and get them engaged.

Beginning this week, we will ambush Pastor Ken and the other staff members and ask them to contribute a thought or two- check back often for the latest updates.

Hal Hunter

Friday, February 13, 2009

Louie Giglio on worship...

I'll be sharing some words from Louie Giglio on worship each week.

"You, my friend...are a worshiper! There, I said it. Everyday, all day long, in every place, you worship. It's what you do. We are all worshipers, created to bring pleasure and honor to the God who made us. You may not consider yourself a "worshiping" kind of person, but you cannot help but worship...something. It's what you were made to do. Should for some reason choose not to give God what He desires, you'll worship anyway - simply exchanging the Creator for something He has created."

Today, focus your worship on the only One who is worthy.

Rick Painter
Worship Arts Pastor

Thursday, February 05, 2009

A Word on Worship from Louie Giglio...

"We're no longer under any religious system. Not that of the Old Testament, or any other. In the past, God-worshipers had to approach Him through a ritualistic system of sacrifice. But not anymore.

Christ is the final offering for sin; He offered "one sacrifice for sins for all time." So as we come to worship the Father, we aren't required to bring a sacrifice in an attempt to make us right with God. Jesus has already done that for us.

This truth is important to grasp because we consistently fail to live as we should live. And when we fail, the enemy is quick to condemn us, telling us we can't possibly be a worshiper after what we have done.

But those words are lies. We can always come back to God in worship, no matter where we've been or how far we've fallen.

How can that be?

Through Jesus Christ. His death has made it possible for us to be accepted by God. His cross has made our worship acceptable in the Father's sight. We can approach His throne of grace. Anytime. Anywhere.

That's why a deep awareness of the cross is almost always in my mind as I come to worship. And if it's not, the Holy Spirit puts it there. Fast."

Rick Painter
Worship Arts Pastor

Monday, February 02, 2009

Some good news...

It seems that a lot of what we have talked about recently has been pretty somber. It's probably time for some good news.

Recently we have noticed a number of first time visitors. It's hard to say just why we are seeing them now, but for whatever reason we are pleased.

One of the most common things we hear when we talk to visitors is their almost universal perception of us an open, friendly place. Mostly, this is the result of our people being open and friendly- it is something the staff and leadership can want and encourage, but can be accomplished only by the people who are here Sunday morning.

Thanks Argyle. Your smiles, your handshakes, your warm greetings, have made a difference for a lot of people lately.

Hal Hunter
Ministry Pastor