Friday, December 10, 2010

A Word From Amy...

Dear Faithful and Loving Children's Ministry Leaders–

Sunday, something happened. I was washed with a feeling of gratitude.

I was going around the church to see our small groups this past Sunday. It was at too fast a pace because I had to get to the next thing, but I noticed something important. I saw how blessed we are with leaders who love the children they are leading. I know I tell you that I appreciate you but I want to give you some specifics so you know that I do see you and recognize your effort and dedication to the Lord in your service to Him.

I talked to leaders who connect with the parents of their children on Facebook or let them know they missed them when they miss a Sunday – not in the "where have you been?" tone that makes someone ashamed they've missed church, but in that "we've missed you and are so glad to see you" tone that lets a person know they matter and that you care about them.

I saw leaders comfort an upset child nervous on their first visit, whether the child is in their small group or not.

I saw leaders who are glad to be here, and know their small groups well, who take time to make sure everyone's name is on the roll and even try to get the spelling right!

I saw leaders who see that their small groups are into an activity that they didn't get to finish, and do their best to let them finish it the next time they serve.

I saw leaders who listen, who give, who get here early, who do the extra stuff, so often without anyone else knowing.

That is service to the Lord! I know you do it for Him. Thank you for blessing me and more importantly our children and their families, with your time, energy and love!

Renewed Energy and Peace in Christ,

Monday, December 06, 2010

One Woman's Journey... A Guest Post

Not all that long ago, if you were to ask me "What do you think about God?" I would have gone on this long tirade about Christians. At my kindest moments I would think them boring, naive and bad dressers and I regularly said "I will NEVER be one of THOSE people". I equated God to his people and not the other way around and my opinions were not kind.

Then I lost a  bet with God and I reluctantly returned to church. In those early days I was aggressive, even MORE judgmental than usual, and defensive. I just knew those people would condemn me so I condemned them first. I steadfastly kept God OUT of my blog, out of my life and out of my heart. Those days the only thing that kept me coming back was KidStuf and Mary's hugs. In those early days Pastor Ken was not MY pastor and in fact, I was convinced if he said the word "Literally" ONE more time, well, even I would not spork a pastor, but...

It was before Pastor Hal refused to let me goad him. It was before Ms. Amy cast her spell on me and made me love her. It was before my beloved 4th grade tweens, before the Dorcas ladies, before the Cafe Club. Back then I mocked The Promise and thought talk radio was for freaks and kooks. Then I showed up at the doors of the church one November Sunday and found KidStuf.

To you, the leaders, players and Students of KidStuf, I say thank you. Every cold morning, every missed vacation, every night rehearsal and every other imaginable sacrifice you made to put on a production of KidStuf every week saved me. You broke down Christianity into bite sized pieces and fed it to me in a way I could digest. When Pastor Ken was still talking over my head, you spoke directly to my heart. You found me and you lead me to a real relationship with Christ. One virtue, one song and one laugh at a time. You broke through my strong defenses. With each new secular song I heard in church the wall cracked. When I saw a grown woman in pigtails bouncing around the stage the cracks deepened. When I saw a strong black man dressed as a pregnant woman the wall crashed to the ground. Once you brought down my defenses Pastor Ken got in and was never again THE pastor but MY pastor. Once that happened there was no going back. God walked it and did what God does.

Over the next few months I discovered I was the one Pastor Ken spoke of when he said "Those no one else wanted." I was Mary Nobody. I was the beaten down, the scorned, the lost. I was the one who felt I was too broken to be saved. I was convinced I was going to hell and I would take you with me given half the chance. I knew every section of the Bible that I could mock or use in my arguments but had no idea how many books in contained, how it started or how it finished. I knew every verse that was inconsistent, or could conveniently be twisted but had no idea how many times the word "Love" was used. Yes, I am the one this church changed course for. I am the face of Mary Nobody.

These days there is rarely a day God is not in my blog. Should  you find yourself in my car you will hear either a podcast for my "God Pick" playlist. I am married to the same man, live in the same house, drive the same car, have the same job but nothing is the same.

Now, I give God the credit for the dramatic changes in my life, but The Church at Argyle was His tool. THOSE  people pried open my heart so God could get in and completely transform me. I am not worthy to be called one of THOSE people but I'm honored to be among them and I am forever grateful.

With Gratitude & Love,
Beth Reed

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Some words from Rick's heart for the Argyle family...

Dear Argyle Family,

Last Sunday night was a wonderful event and experience for us. I found myself getting verklempt (Mike Myers/Coffee Talk) at the end and wasn't able to express all that I wanted to share.

My partner in ministry for 34 years (in fact, we were in ministry together 2 years before we married) is vital to everything God has called us to do. (You think I don't know that the only reason you keep me around is so you can have Donna.) Her heart, commitment and love for people is a beautiful thing to behold. I cannot imagine doing this without her. Like Ms. Becky, she is a model pastor's wife. It truly was love at first sight.

Our children are such a joy and inspiration to me. I've learned so many life lessons by hanging with them. To know they love me and are praying for me is huge.

My parents and Donna's parents are extraordinary people. How do you put a value on never doubting for a moment that you are unconditionally loved? The only problem with having parents like that is that I don't have anyone to blame for my screw-ups.

My dear friend Ken shaped my heart and life in so many ways. I miss him greatly. I still feel as though I'm just filling in for him. Maybe someday I will be a smidge of the gentleman and Christ follower that he exemplified. To have the support of Becky, Kenny and Darrell in this new adventure is beyond expression. Becky, thank you for your affirmation again Sunday night.

Amy, Terri, Hal and David are all very gifted and have a heart for God and the Argyle family. Thank you for your words and actions of encouragement. We are blessed with a wonderful team.

Our Creative Team, Drama Team and Technical Team all play a part not only in last Sunday night's event but every week as we work together to bring people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Everything you do, on or behind the stage, makes an impact. I know that it doesn't happen by itself. Thank you.

It's a beautiful thing to see your racquetball buddy grow into a Christ follower with a servant's heart. Thank you, Leroy and Kitchen Team. You are amazing.

I appreciate very much the words of encouragement from Phil and Tim. They have known me many years. It's hard to fake someone out for that long. The fact that they seem to still have respect for me is very humbling. Also, thank you Evie and Connie.

Some of the video was a little embarrassing. But I did it, so I've gotta take it like a man. Yet, we were very passionate that we needed to speak The Message in the language of the 70's and 80's culture. Maybe God found a way to use some of that stuff for His glory.

Thank you, Argyle Family, for your love and support (though you are my main source of High Anxiety). The anxiety is not because of anything that you have done. It's the weight of the responsibility. Since I'm teaching that to have anxiety is wrong, I probably should stop it. I am thankful that God is growing me to trust Him to care for you.

I'm convinced that some of the world's most wonderful people are in our midst.

If I left you out, I'm sorry. I'm getting verklempt again.


Friday, September 10, 2010

A word from Rick...

Dear Argyle-

September 5 was an incredible day at Argyle!

What a beautiful thing it was to see the different parts of our body work together as one.

I am so thankful for and proud of our KidStuf Team, our Greeters and Ushers, Dan and the Chairmen, Leroy and the Kitchen Team, Amy and the Children's Ministry Team, Beth, David and Kim for capturing the event with photos, Tommy and Ricky for building the Snow Cone House, Leroy's Dad for donating the Snow Cone Machine, Leroy's brother, John, who delivered the machine and everyone who stepped up to cover all of the costs of the day so that we could offer everything without charge.

Over 600 attended and everyone enjoyed a great show, food, fun and Christian fellowship. It doesn't get any better than that!

Two weeks ago, 30 wonderful people became members at Argyle with two coming for baptism. God is good!

See you Sunday,

Friday, June 04, 2010

A word from Rick...

I met with someone this week who has been visiting our church.

This is someone I respect very much.They went on and on about how awesome our worship and music is at Argyle.

We are so blessed. Please don't take for granted the wonderful team that God has assembled at Argyle.

God is good!

Rick Painter
Worship Arts Pastor

Friday, May 07, 2010

Starting The Search...

The deacons have named a Pastor Search Committee – Kim Bass, Wade Collier, Terri Johnson, Arlette McCann, Tony Morales, Keith Thompson and Gerry Yutuc. Arlette was selected as Chair at their first meeting on Wednesday evening, May 5.

The Committee prayed, then got organized, and everyone was given the opportunity to share their hearts and thoughts. Everyone is still grieving and missing Pastor Ken, but everyone agreed that it would be Pastor Ken's most sincere desire that the Committee be careful to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit as they work. The Committee believes that God has already prepared a man to lead us, and that we simply have to obey as He directs us to that man.

The Committee decided to pray individually for a week, and to perhaps fast one of those days. They ask that the entire Argyle family join them in praying and fasting as they seek out God's will, and listen for His voice.

The Committee will meet again on Wednesday, May 12. Until then, continue with them in prayer.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Answering Prayers...

God is answering the prayers of His people as He gently and slowly heals our broken hearts. The ministry and work goes on as we bring people into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ, increase intimacy with God, community with insiders, influence with outsiders and create irresistible environments that encourage and enable these things.

Now is the time to be faithful. Now is the time to give your time, talents and treasure. God is in control.

Thank you for all that you do to make Argyle a loving, caring and very special place.

Rick Painter
Worship Arts Pastor

Monday, May 03, 2010

Picking Up The Pieces...

It has been a whirlwind since Easter. Many of us are still dealing with the loss of Pastor Ken, and some of us (Hal & Amy) are also dealing with deaths within their own families.

In the middle of all this, the church and its work have to go on. It is a sad truth that in the long view of the church, we are all expendable. The only certainty we face is that, until Jesus returns, the work of the church has to continue. We are still sad, we have to get back to what we are called to do.

I was asked Sunday, "What do the sheep do when the shepherd is gone?" The answer is, there are several shepherds, not just one. Sundays will never again include Pastor Ken teaching us, but there will always be a Sunday morning at Argyle. God will be praised, joyful voices will raise Him up, prayerful people will celebrate as the Gospel is proclaimed. Children and students will be loved and challenged with Scriptural truth, converts will be baptized and people will be encouraged in their spiritual growth.

Our By-Laws provide for transition. Our deacons have selected a Pastor Search Committee. Kim Bass, Wade Collier, Terri Johnson,  Phil Massicotte, Arlette McCann, Tony Morales, Keith Thompson, and Gerry Yutuc have already started the process that will lead to selecting our next Senior Pastor. Pray for them and pray for our fellowship to listen closely as God speaks to us about what He has in mind for us as we continue our journey with Him. We have a great past, but our greatest years lie in our future!

Hal Hunter
Ministry Pastor

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A word from Rick...

I am thankful that God continues to heal our hearts though the loss is huge.

Life is fragile. Time is short. Let's give our best to the things that really matter.

When you pray:
  • Declare His greatness
  • Surrender your will
  • Acknowledge your dependence for provision, pardon, protection.
Rick Painter
Worship Arts Pastor

Monday, March 29, 2010

Great Way To Begin A Great Week...

Yesterday was Palm Sunday. It marks the beginning of a week of great contrasts- from triumph (Matthew 21:8-11) to seeming tragedy (Luke 23:33).

Yesterday we enjoyed some triumphs. Like most Sunday mornings at Argyle, we had great worship, a powerful and challenging message, and lives being changed by the power of God working through His people. It was Sunday evening that was something special. A really nice crowd was back to enjoy the baptism, Lord's Supper, family dinner and Student Dessert Auction. Our students led worship, and they did a great job. It wasn't exactly grandma's church, but it was Jesus' church.

We had three baptisms. Their video stories were a glimpse into the various ways the Holy Spirit uses to draw people to Jesus. A brother and sister were brought to Argyle by the influence of Godly grandparents who wanted their family to hear the Gospel faithfully preached. A woman who has been dealing for years with the consequences of bad choices and poor decisions made the right decision- to totally turn her life over to Jesus. We know that it is not baptism that saves, but it does publicly proclaim the joyful news of a life newly devoted to Jesus and His mission for the church.

We had a wonderful opportunity to obey Jesus' other desire for us- we remembered Him and looked forward to the fulfillment of His promise by sharing the Lord's Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).

Chef Leroy did not disappoint. His world famous BBQ disappeared in no time. Leroy always frets that people will get bored of the same old pulled pork- he have to keep reassuring him that it is the best BBQ in town, hands down, and there is nothing he can serve that people would enjoy more.

For years (we think 12, but aren't real sure) the Student Ministry has done a dessert auction to help fund the annual BigStuf summer camp. Last night we set a record- over $1,900 was raised to help Argyle Students grow in their faith at BigStuf. Thank you Argyle families for your awesome support. Our students appreciate it.

Hal Hunter
Ministry Pastor

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It Was A Great Party...

Sunday night we did something we have never done before- we went off campus and had a fancy party. By all accounts, Married Life Live was a big success. It was a dress up affair, and most of the guys cleaned up pretty well.

The party was the end to the message series, I Do- Again. A combination date night, dinner party, dance, and fun program, it ended with an opportunity for couples to renew their marriage vows.

If you attended Married Life Live, we have a short survey that will help us plan better for possible future activities. Click here to take survey.

Here is a little sample of the fun.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Whose side are you leaning on?

There's a great song we used to sing in preschool chapel called "Whose Side Are You Leaning On?" Ever heard it?

"I lean, I lean, I lean, I lean.
Leanin' on the Lord's side!"
(call me and I'll sing it for you!)

Well, that's the song that went through my head last night as I thought about this subject of bad things happening and how we interpret how to feel and who to listen to. When something that is difficult or painful happens to us and we hear that voice that says, "things will never be the same", why do we always assume that is bad?

Clearly the voice that says "you are a failure" or "how stupid can you be" is bad and does not come from the Lord. We must question any thought that tears us down and tells us we cannot be used by or to walk away from God. However, when our decisions or actions cause a major change and soul searching in our lives why is it so difficult to see this as an opportunity for God to do something new and powerful if we let Him? That verse in Romans (8:28) really is true. "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. He appointed them to be saved in keeping with his purpose." (NIRV)

Not because its always easy but because:
  • He is always faithful.
  • He is all knowing.
  • He is not surprised or caught off guard by what has happened.
  • He already has a plan and He will walk beside us the whole way.
  • He will even carry us when we need Him to.

I won't pretend I am so excited to do the hard stuff He asks me to or that I jump for joy when I talk to someone I know or look in the mirror and find out a big mistake has been made. But we all get to choose the direction we lean.

Do we get angry at God? Do we give up on ourselves and Him? Or, do we find hope in all the love and blessings God has already given us and still promises? Do we choose to say
"Okay, I'm hurting but I know You are bigger than even this so please show me Your plan and give me the courage to get on board." That to me is leanin' on the Lord's side.

Our preschoolers just need to know which way to lean but as the grown ups we get to choose to lean into His plan for our lives, even when things are hard and instead of leaning on the enemy's side of defeat, misery and self doubt.

God can speak to our hearts in different ways so here are some other ways of saying the same thing. Today I read an article explaining how a Pastor I follow is living this out - (Click here to read the article).

I read a blog a few weeks ago that says it another way. The author asks "What does this make possible?" (click here to read it)

Everyday we have a choice to make about whose side we're leanin' on. Every time I lean on the Lord's side I am more convinced that He is who He says He is. Pray for me as I pray with you to choose leanin' on the Lord's side.

Hope and Courage in Christ,