There's a great song we used to sing in preschool chapel called "Whose Side Are You Leaning On?" Ever heard it?
"I lean, I lean, I lean, I lean.
Leanin' on the Lord's side!"
(call me and I'll sing it for you!)
Well, that's the song that went through my head last night as I thought about this subject of bad things happening and how we interpret how to feel and who to listen to. When something that is difficult or painful happens to us and we hear that voice that says, "things will never be the same", why do we always assume that is bad?
Clearly the voice that says "
you are a failure" or "
how stupid can you be" is bad and does not come from the Lord. We must question any thought that tears us down and tells us we cannot be used by or to walk away from God. However, when our decisions or actions cause a major change and soul searching in our lives why is it so difficult to see this as an opportunity for God to do something new and powerful if we let Him? That verse in Romans (8:28) really is true.
"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. He appointed them to be saved in keeping with his purpose." (NIRV)
Not because its always easy but because:
- He is always faithful.
- He is all knowing.
- He is not surprised or caught off guard by what has happened.
- He already has a plan and He will walk beside us the whole way.
- He will even carry us when we need Him to.
I won't pretend I am so excited to do the hard stuff He asks me to or that I jump for joy when I talk to someone I know or look in the mirror and find out a big mistake has been made. But we all get to choose the direction we lean.
Do we get angry at God? Do we give up on ourselves and Him?
Or, do we find hope in all the love and blessings God has already given us and still promises? Do we choose to say
"Okay, I'm hurting but I know You are bigger than even this so please show me Your plan and give me the courage to get on board." That to me is leanin' on the Lord's side.
Our preschoolers just need to know which way to lean but as the grown ups we get to choose to lean into His plan for our lives, even when things are hard and instead of leaning on the enemy's side of defeat, misery and self doubt.
God can speak to our hearts in different ways so here are some other ways of saying the same thing. Today I read an article explaining how a Pastor I follow is living this out -
(Click here to read the article).
I read a blog a few weeks ago that says it another way. The author asks "What does this make possible?"
(click here to read it)
Everyday we have a choice to make about whose side we're leanin' on. Every time I lean on the Lord's side I am more convinced that He is who He says He is. Pray for me as I pray with you to choose leanin' on the Lord's side.
Hope and Courage in Christ,