Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A new toy

It's way past Christmas, but you know guys and their toys- it's always Christmas when it comes to toys. Our newest toy is this blog- an opportunity to be heard far and wide and perhaps influence someone for the Kingdom's benefit.

The staff of The Church at Argyle is a pretty diverse group. God has assembled a team here that works together well, trusting each other and trusting that the Holy Spirit is leading. Click here to meet us.

As we begin the new year, we are well on our way to making a major shift in our direction and emphasis. For years, we have spent most of our effort on becoming an attractional church- on building environments that will attract and engage people by their excellence and relevance. Now, we feel that we are being called to more directly obey the Great Commission- to go instead of letting them come. Simple to express in words- difficult to do in terms of attitudes and actions within the whole body of the fellowship.

We are still wrestling within the staff and senior leadership to clarify the win. (Check out this invaluable book by Andy Stanley and others from North Point Ministries; clarifying the win is the first practice that must be mastered to do effective and efficient ministry.) We know beyond a doubt that God is leading us to take a missional approach- to be the church rather than going to church. But exactly what does that look like. How do we model it to the fellowship? Importantly, what is it not?

Hal Hunter

1 comment:

anita said...

I like the new toy! More importantly, I'm excited to see how this new direction of being the church instead of just going to church can impact our lives and our community.