Friday, October 31, 2008

All Star Survey .. Part II

Another thing we saw on several surveys had to do with music. A number of people yearn for the traditional hymns.

When we decided several years ago to try to reach people who weren't already in church, one of the major changes had to do with our worship style, and music in particular. Study after study, plus personal experience, tell us that unchurched people are uncomfortable with traditional hymns and church music styles- they simply don't get it.

Our music is chosen to be both doctrinally sound and in a style that will appeal to a wide variety of the people in our community. It is more a "rock band with horns" sound, with prominent drums and bass. it's uptempo and takes advantage of the outstanding musicians and singers God has sent us.

Remember, our Sunday Worship Gatherings are primarily "living room" environments- a place an unchurched visitor can feel comfortable and welcome. It is designed for those folks, the outsiders, not so much for insiders.

Load your favorite style in your iPod, but celebrate Sundays with a style that will appeal to the people we are trying to reach with the all-important message of the Gospel.

Hal Hunter

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