Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Looking ahead...

to the new year is a tradition at year's end. We plan, we ponder, we predict, and sometimes we even manage to get it right.

What do we want out of 2009? I think we all want our national economy to show some signs of real recovery. We all want our military efforts in the war on terror to be successful. Regardless of how we voted in November, we want the new President and Congress to succeed. We want our families and friends to be safe and happy.

What does our church want? Despite what it may seem money is not our main concern. What we really want is to carry out our mission-to bring people into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. If we do that, the money will happen. We want to develop people who are serious about glorifying God and telling the world about their relationship with Him through Jesus. We want to help people understand they must become less dependent on the world, and more dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit. We want to grow a close, loving community within our Argyle family.

Hal Hunter

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