Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another word on worship from Louie Giglio...

"Whatever you value most will ultimately determine who you are.
  • If you worship money, you'll become greedy at the core of your heart.
  • If you worship some sinful habit, that same sin will grip your soul and poison your character to death.
  • If you worship stuff, your life will become material, void of eternal significance.
  • If you give all of your praise to the god of you, you'll become a disappointing little god to yourself and to all those who trust in you.
Simply put: We become what we worship.

If you don't like what you're becoming, take a quick inventory of the things on the throne of your heart."

Rick Painter
Worship Arts Pastor

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Town Hall For Hope...

Dave Ramsey's Town Hall For Hope is tonight (Thursday, April 23) at 8:00 pm.

We have spent hours testing the technical pieces- they are doing 90 minutes of live streaming video from the venue at in Oklahoma to over 6,000 locations in every state and every Canadian province. It is possibly the largest internet broadcast in history.

Argyle is one of 18 churches in Greater Jacksonville hosting the event. Everyone is welcome to come to hear this message of financial hope. Dave is even going to be accepting questions from participants all over the country- we will have a live internet link to send questions from our audience- maybe one of ours will be selected!

Doors are open at 7:15, and the live broadcast begins at 8:00. Come out and bring your friends and neighbors to this great free event.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Another reason we do what we do...

I just spent a few minutes, along with Children's Ministry Director Amy Gieger, with a mom who was in the office with her two daughters to discuss baptism.

Mom was raised in another faith, but as an adult felt an emptiness, heard the Gospel, and came to faith. Recently coming to Jacksonville, she was attending a church that was meeting her spiritual needs, but was boring her children stiff. She was looking for a church that would speak to her kids; a friend invited her to Argyle and KidStuf.

This is a Christian family, the kids are in a Christian school, and there was never any doubt that the kids were going to hear the Gospel, and see it demonstrated daily. The question was- were they going to hear it in a way that excited them and engaged them and gave them an age-appropriate approach to life change.

I guess we know the answer- they were here to discuss baptism. Just another reason why we do what we do here at Argyle.

Hal Hunter

Friday, April 17, 2009

Viral events...

This week the country has seen a wave of grassroots tax protests in the form of TEA parties. This is a good example of viral spread of an idea.

Something else viral is happening next week that has a bearing on financial health- the Dave Ramsey Town Hall For Hope. Just about everyone has concerns about the economy- both the nation's and our own family's. Come join us and listen as nationally syndicated radio and TV financial advisor Dave Ramsey discusses his ideas for healing the economy. Almost 7,000 locations nationwide are participating.

The event is free and open to everyone in the community. Invite friends, neighbors and coworkers to come with you. Doors open at 7:15 pm, the live video feed begins at 8:00, and will conclude at 9:30. Dave will be taking questions live from around the country- maybe he will take yours!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One reason why we do what we do...

Every now and then something happens that really brings home, in a powerful way, why we do what we do, as a church and as individuals in the Body of Christ. This is one of those things. Take a moment and read a portion of an email from a member of the Argyle family.

I am also so grateful to the Church at Argyle. I told you a little about this, but I left the Catholic church about a year ago, and started searching at all the local churches. I found my home at The Church at Argyle. The music at the Church at Argyle is unmatched -- anywhere. Pastor Ken's ability to connect with me as I sit and listen is also unmatched.

I find now that instead of feeling like I "have to" go to church, I actually very much look forward to it each week. I used to just sit in church for an hour, not really learning anything. Now, I take something new away every time I go. I am learning huge things about my Faith that somehow managed to escape me even through 12 years of Catholic school. Church is now not just something I think about or do on Sunday, but it is always with me. I hear a lot about "life change" at The Church at Argyle and I have noticed that every aspect of my life is changing for the better.

I just wanted to let you know all of this because I am sure you don't hear it enough. :) If you would like, feel free to share this email with other members of the TCAA staff. I know encouragement is something we could all use more of.

I write a blog called "Out and About in Jax" all about events in Jacksonville. I wrote an entry about the Prayer Walk last Friday and what it meant to me. Maybe if you have some time, you could check it out

Anyways, thanks again, and I'll see you Sunday...


Another word on worship from Louie Giglio...

"Every day there's a battle for your worship. The things we elevate. The values we serve. None of these choices are made in a vacuum. There's a war raging since before there was time."

What you worship is your choice. Choose wisely.

Thank you for a wonderful Easter Sunday!

Rick Painter
Worship Arts Pastor

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Maundy Thursday...

Maundy is from the Middle English and Old French mandé, in turn from the Latin mandatum (commandment), the first word in the Latin version of John 13:34. It was on this day, the day before His crucifixion, that Jesus gave us a new commandment- to love one another.

Pastor Ken is winding up the message series 3-1-6, centered around what may be the most recognized Biblical reference, John 3:16. Today, of all days, we ought to be reminded of the central themes of John 3:16- love and giving. God loved us, so He gave to us- He gave us a way to be saved from our sins, He gave us comfort in His family, He gave us joy in His presence, He gave us the opportunity to work as His agents in the world to accomplish His ends, and He gave us eternity with Him.

The end of John 13:34 reads "Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another." To love as He loved, we must give, too. Loving as He loves us means we must reach out to the dying world around us and tell them about His wonderful gift.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

A Special Meal...

Something occurred to me after we celebrated The Lord's Supper this past week at the Wednesday Night Connecting Point. There are two elements- bread and wine.

Bread is frequently symbolic of nourishment. Wine is frequently a symbol of joy. Let's face it- we need both.