Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Every week...

I watch the video of our Worship Gathering at Argyle to evaluate how things went. Even though I start out watching and listening to check the mix, are we in tune, entrances and cut-offs, can I understand the words, how is the energy level, etc. I always end up moved by the worship experience of a mighty God and appreciative of the faithfulness, passion and skill of our Worship Team (band, singers, tech, dance, drama and visual arts).

Thank you!

Rick Painter
Worship Arts Pastor

Friday, June 26, 2009

Inspired yet?

Okay, so all that talk about reading and inspiration- I'll go first. Here's a note about something I read that inspired me.

I read a book by John Steinbeck recently called "The Pearl". I can't claim to be a fan of his or to have read many of his books that I wasn't required to read in school. I just happened upon this book at the library and decided to give it a try. The Pearl is the retelling of an old Mexican folk tale and plays out the battle between greed and contentment through the desire to rise above your "station" in life and provide a better future/better opportunities for your family than you had growing up. A relevant topic; I could relate. It was sad yet triumphant; a good read.

What actually inspired me more than the story though was something shared at the back of the book about John Steinbeck. It says that "...throughout his life he signed his letters with his personal 'Pigasus logo', symbolizing himself 'a lumbering soul but trying to fly'". There is a picture of a pig with wings and above it there are Latin words that read "Ad Astra Per Alla Porci". The translation is "To the stars on the wings of a pig".

Of course pigs don't fly, so how is this inspiring you ask? It is inspiring to me for someone who was as outwardly successful as any famous person could be, during his life, that he knows the reality that we are never "all that". I'm inspired when people who achieve earthly fame respect the fact that this is all temporary (Matthew 6:19-20), and don't get caught up in all the compliments- empty or genuine- and the attention/money and remember who they really and forever will be. Just a human being.

Staying humble is a gift. As I mentioned in an earlier post, in our weakness He is strong and that works two wonderful ways. One - He can use us in spite of our flaws and mistakes and work through us even in our weakness. Two - we must stay humble and give Him the glory and honor for all the blessings and success to truly be followers of Christ and lead people to know Him. When we start taking the credit for achievements and forgetting to praise and honor the Lord we are not leading people to Him- we are leading them to us, and no matter how "fabulous" we are, we will let them down. We are not perfect. Period. (Need to hear it again, like music? Just listen to the Mary, Mary lyrics in "It's the God in me".)

It is so good to hear our names called as the inventor, the artist, the author, the champion, the award winner, the hero but when we start believing that we achieved it alone then we are being fooled. We are listening to that prideful voice in our heads that says, "Hmmm, I did do that, look at me, Go Me, Go Me!" I can only imagine how hard it is not to buy into the lies people tell you when you are famous. We want to be told and to believe we are special, accepted and liked. We want to believe we are "smarter than the average bear" and in control of our future. In my own life I have learned many times, many ways, I simply and truly do not have the better plan. When I depend on myself and start chasing my ideas and my plans, I end up going in circles or giving up. When I take the time to pray and seek the Lord's will, His paths are straight and have purpose and bear fruit. His plan is always better than mine!

Take the time to ask Him today, what His plan is for the problem you're solving or the future that you dream of. Stay humble, pray without ceasing and stay focused on Christ. Being a "people pleaser" myself, it has taken me all 40 of my years to understand and submit to why following God is more valuable than chasing my own dreams, chasing someone else's or as nice as I desire to be, chasing the approval of others. Even knowing I will never be able to please everyone rarely stops me from trying. With all the praise and criticism readily available here on earth I can honestly tell you the most precious praise I will forever seek is my Father in Heaven's gentle words when I meet Him. "Well done my good and faithful servant".

Because He loved us first,

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Speaking of reading...

One of the books Pastor Ken thinks that every Christian ought to read is Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Here is a little taste;
"But the great thing to remember is that, though our feelings come and go, His love for us does not. It is not wearied by our sins, or our indifference; and, therefore it is quite relentless in its determination that we should be cured of those sins, at whatever cost to us, at whatever cost to Him."
Of course, the cost to Him is pretty obvious- the cross. The cost to us is taking up that cross, and it does indeed have a cost- at least in terms of the world. But the benefit is enormous.

Hal Hunter

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Reading is "Fun"damental...

Do you read? For fun, for education, only when you have to, never?

I am a fun and/or learning reader. Of course, for fun is the easiest and to read for learning at this stage in my life usually fueled by something God is leading me to, something I need to know about for my children or a subject or title that I've been encouraged to read by someone I respect.

Most of the time reading is my "escape", my quiet time, something I do for myself kinda thing. I'm trying to pass on this love and value of reading to my children. My two boys and I frequent the library. We even know how to work the self check out. Seriously!! This summer we've been reading poetry and listening to more audio books but the most valuable book I'm reading with them right now (though it is taking us a few months to get through because I read it at bedtime on the nights that I am not so exhausted I can't see to read) is a book by James Dobson on adolescence. It brings up a lot of topics and issues I am uncomfortable with but God has impressed on me how important this time in their lives is and that if my husband and I (he's is talking to them too) are not talking to them about this stuff then they will form their opinions and morals from people who are not uncomfortable talking about it. Do I even have to go there to tell you why I need to be pro-active against that???!!!!

I have always been a reader, even when I was little. I know it has a lot to do with my parents reading to me every night at bed time. That was a time I looked forward to every day (though going to sleep was a completely different story back then). I enjoyed the stories, the time with my Mom and/or Dad, the comfort, the questions, the just one more story pleeeaaaase! It was a great help as I learned how to read, expanded my vocabulary and realized that a good book could make any day better (especially a bad one). I am a HUGE fan of reading with my kids and I highly recommend it for every parent and child.

So reading came easily, made sense, and helped me perform better in every other aspect of my life (except maybe for calculating math in my head). You might say, well Amy, "miss reader pants" reading is not fun for everyone. No- really? Why in the world not?

Okay, okay, I do know that a big part of my life has been spent with children. I know that we all learn differently and not everyone is made with the "YAY reading" gene. What I have learned though is that everyone loves a good story. Their definition of what a good story is may be different and some would rather watch or hear than read but everyone loves a good story. We love to be drawn into another world, shown how someone is getting through something we can relate to, live vicariously through someone else's experiences and most of all be INSPIRED by someone else's life, career, battle, perseverance, compassion and love.

SO... I challenge you to find something to read or listen to or watch that inspires you today! The Bible is the first book that comes to mind to recommend, but there are many books out there that God can use to love and grow and inspire us if we let Him. He is in all things you know. :-)

Better yet, share the most inspiring story of love and sacrifice ever told, the story of the cross, with someone who has never heard it. How about someone you know who has heard it. Could be the start of a conversation that includes someone's inspiring story you wouldn't have heard otherwise...

I'd love to hear what you're reading or listening to and how God is inspiring you!

Peace and Love in Christ,

Amy Gieger
Children's Ministry Director

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Who me? Afraid??

I was just reading a recent Perry Noble blog ("dead snakes and screaming like a girl") and though I present myself as a strong and faithful Christ follower and truly have witnessed His power and love so much more than I deserve, I was hit upside the head with how much time I spend being afraid! Not, hide in the storm cellar afraid but the kind of afraid that keeps me from asking questions, keeps me from overcoming simple, stupid habits of not speaking up because I want to avoid conflict, not asking for help because I don't want to appear as weak as I really am, not making better choices about how I save my money or how I spend my time because I am lazy. The kind of afraid that makes a project or decision that should only take a few weeks, take 3 or 4 months or a year or even never happen.

I use the excuse that I am the only person I can say no to but really, by being less than I know I should be, whether it's less organized or managing my time poorly or saying yes to my kids when I should have said no, I am not being all God would have me to be. He can not use me to all of His glory if I am wasting my time and energy being afraid or too lazy to speak up, ask questions, be organized, manage my time.

Now, I know I am a work in progress and I can look back through my life and see all the ways He has grown me for His glory. I'm not saying I will ever be perfect at these things or saying that you have to be either to be used greatly by God. I am so thankful to know the true statement "in my weakness He is strong." However, what I am saying is we have to stop confusing fear with discernment. Discernment is gathering facts and information about a new project or ministry God has laid on your heart before you start it without knowing what it should look like - discernment is praying before you go welcome the new neighbor or speak to the one who has lived next door to you for 5 years and you've never even said hello, much less invited them to church - discernment is talking to Godly friends who have kids (or Godly friends you trust) before you decide where to send them to school or whether to let them have a Facebook account or go to camp.

Fear is never doing any of the above because as soon as the thought comes to mind, you think, I don't know enough, I don't have enough experience, someone else would be better at that - they don't like me anyway so they wouldn't listen or they should have spoken to me first - they will think I am such a bad parent if I don't already know the answer to this, I'm supposed to have all the answers for my kids.

Praise Him for knowing my faults and weaknesses and loving and working through me anyway. But what greater things does He have planned that He is having to do in other ways until I wake up and stop being afraid of what I can't do when I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that with HIM, with GOD, our loving and all powerful savior, ALL things are possible.

I know that He can use these rantings of mine to speak to your heart because while I am not all that, HE IS!!!

Love and Peace in Christ,

Amy Gieger
Children's Ministry Director

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Friends Forever...

Today, I was riding down the street. I would like to say I was focused, but then I would be lying and preachers aren't supposed to do that. In all likelihood I was in Fantasyland- that big theme park in my mind. (Come on- you've been there- you drive on Argyle Forest, too)

Suddenly, this car flashes their lights in the middle of the day. My first instinct (I think you call it guilt) was to let up on the accelerator. Ten seconds later, there he was; the man in black with his smart gun. But, because someone cared enough to send a ray of light my way, I was saved.

I don't know the guy who flashed his light my way and saved me, but we are friends forever. Think about sending some of the light we have toward someone today- even someone you don't know.

Pastor Ken

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Father's Day

Sunday is the last day of the U.S. Open. Who will finish the last round and win? Tiger? Phil? Only one winner, one trophy.

Sunday is also Father's Day. Men, let's decide to finish our round of responsibilities. Life includes failure and success. Tom Landry, former coach of the Dallas Cowboys, said, "A winner never stops trying."

I hope to see you on the 18th green. There's room on the trophy for our names, too.

Pastor Ken

Monday, June 15, 2009

Super Size It?

I just got back from McDonalds (sorry, Chick-fil-a). They have a drink special going on- any size for a dollar. I thought to myself- why would anyone not want the biggest size? Get more bang for the buck?

Then it occurred to me- isn't church a lot like that? We want the biggest, the shineiest, the most. Then a little girl got a drink- and she couldn't handle the biggest one- it was too much for her.

So, maybe church isn't a one size or one style fits all. There is room in the Kingdom for all of us.

Ken Dyal

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Safe Place...

is Pastor Ken's new series that focuses on the church as the Body of Christ. What does it look like, what does it do and how does it impact its members and the world?

Every now and then we take surveys of our congregation, asking them their opinions about Argyle and how we do things. One of our main questions is "Why does The Church at Argyle exist?"

If you are reading this, whether or not you are a part of the Argyle family, please comment and answer that question- why do we exist?

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Summer's here...

the mosquitoes are swarming and the weeds are thriving in response to the rain, and we are following a new schedule for the summer.

We will have one Worship Gathering at 10:30 am, along with UpStreet and Amazing Place. KidStuf, Inner Space and The Argyle Café are on break, but Impact continues from 4:00 to 6:00 pm on Sundays.

When school lets out, some people seem to disappear from church, even if they don't have kids in school. There was a time when a lot of groups in the South took a summer break, but that had to do with temperature and humidity hovering in the 90's. Thank goodness and John Gorrie that we don't have to face that particular problem (at least, not indoors). So, since we have great air conditioning, that can't be the reason people stay away.

Care to offer your thoughts?

Hal Hunter