Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Over the years I have learned how to copy with the best of them. It's interesting that the Apostle Paul asked his readers to imitate his life (1 Corinthians 4:16), but that's how it should be for those of us who claim to be followers of Jesus. We never know who is watching us. Our words or our actions may have a positive or negative on the lives we encounter.

Recently, I joined a gym. By the way, I heard about this place from a church member- this invest and invite thing really works. Going to this gym for the first time reminded me a little of how it must be for someone to leave their comfort zone and visit a church for the first time. It's scary walking in a place when everyone is a stranger. But. the employees were friendly and well trained; the place was clean; there were all kinds of people there- large, small, short, tall. They even had a class to teach the newcomers how to use the equipment.

Of course, I skipped all that stuff and went straight to the task at hand. Only one problem- I didn't know how to work some of the machines. In fact, I'm sure I looked a little geeky. Why am I so hard-headed? It took me two weeks to figure how to use the different stations. But how did I finally learn? Imitation. Watching other people who knew what they were doing and imitating them.

Paul had a point.

Ken Dyal

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