Over the years I have learned how to copy with the best of them. It's interesting that the Apostle Paul asked his readers to imitate his life (1 Corinthians 4:16), but that's how it should be for those of us who claim to be followers of Jesus. We never know who is watching us. Our words or our actions may have a positive or negative on the lives we encounter.
Recently, I joined a gym. By the way, I heard about this place from a church member- this invest and invite thing really works. Going to this gym for the first time reminded me a little of how it must be for someone to leave their comfort zone and visit a church for the first time. It's scary walking in a place when everyone is a stranger. But. the employees were friendly and well trained; the place was clean; there were all kinds of people there- large, small, short, tall. They even had a class to teach the newcomers how to use the equipment.
Of course, I skipped all that stuff and went straight to the task at hand. Only one problem- I didn't know how to work some of the machines. In fact, I'm sure I looked a little geeky. Why am I so hard-headed? It took me two weeks to figure how to use the different stations. But how did I finally learn? Imitation. Watching other people who knew what they were doing and imitating them.
Paul had a point.
Ken Dyal
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A Preacher's Greatest Fear...
I think every man of the cloth has some phobia. One of mine is that I might forget a funeral. I haven't, but I have forgotten wedding vows.
Another point of contention is... the zipper. Even in seminary they touched on this profound subject.
A couple Sundays ago was really packed. Membership Commitment Class, baptism, worship, Stewardship Committee meeting... all opportunities for a big blunder.
So, there I am in the back with the three baptism candidates and their families, doing my priestly duties. I start up the stairs to the baptismal pool, happen to look down, and yikes! My zipper is down!
I quickly pull it up, thinking to myself, "That's one seminary lesson I didn't learn well enough" and "I sure hope no one noticed." Just goes to show preachers are human after all.
Ken Dyal
Another point of contention is... the zipper. Even in seminary they touched on this profound subject.
A couple Sundays ago was really packed. Membership Commitment Class, baptism, worship, Stewardship Committee meeting... all opportunities for a big blunder.
So, there I am in the back with the three baptism candidates and their families, doing my priestly duties. I start up the stairs to the baptismal pool, happen to look down, and yikes! My zipper is down!
I quickly pull it up, thinking to myself, "That's one seminary lesson I didn't learn well enough" and "I sure hope no one noticed." Just goes to show preachers are human after all.
Ken Dyal
The Story of the Fall...

will be released on Sunday, August 9.
The Story of the Fall is a book about our pastor who lost his memory. Dr. Ken Dyal suffered a severe brain injury in a fall. The damage caused him to lose not only those memories made prior to his accident; he also loses memories made more than four weeks before the present. This book tells how he and his family coped with his crisis. The story is about the grace of God and the emotional investment we put into our loved ones and the human links that bring us – and sometimes keep us – together.
About the author
Adrian Greene grew up in Jacksonville, moving to the First Coast when he was nine years old. He graduated from Stanton College Preparatory School. He then earned a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree in English literature from Wake Forest University. Currently, Adrian is teaching and working on his PhD at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He lives in High Point with his wife, Melissa Painter, who is the daughter of our Worship Arts Pastor and his wife, Rick and Donna Painter.
The book may be purchased at the close of our Worship Gathering on August 9. Pastor Ken and Adrian Greene will be available to sign your copies.
After August 9, the book may be purchased through our Church Office and online at Amazon.com.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Cracker Barrel Creed
Recently our entire family decided to meet at Cracker Barrel. Becky and I arrived early to get a table. Most of our members know I have only one hobby, golf. So, when I sat down there was that Bermuda triangle thingie with golf tees. I think it has 16 holes and 15 tees.
Away I went. I had time to play several games. In fact, I scored in all four areas mentioned on the wood block. Leave one and you are a genius, two you're pretty smart, three means you are just plain dumb, and four says you are an ignoramus.
I started thinking about those answers the following weekend and I concluded I do about the same in life as I did that day in Cracker Barrel. I can always remember the ones- "You're a genius!" An example of that kind of day is the day I asked Becky to marry me.
Twos- "You're pretty smart." The days when I actually do what the Bible says to do, I seem pretty smart and seem to land on my feet.
Threes- "You're just plain dumb." Like, when you think you left your cell phone in the golf cart, travel 15 miles from home back to the club only to find you forgot to check one of your pockets.
Fours- "You are just an ignoramus." Like the other day, on I-295, I mentally drifted a bit and actually passed a policeman! Thankfully, he was in a gracious mood.
Away I went. I had time to play several games. In fact, I scored in all four areas mentioned on the wood block. Leave one and you are a genius, two you're pretty smart, three means you are just plain dumb, and four says you are an ignoramus.
I started thinking about those answers the following weekend and I concluded I do about the same in life as I did that day in Cracker Barrel. I can always remember the ones- "You're a genius!" An example of that kind of day is the day I asked Becky to marry me.
Twos- "You're pretty smart." The days when I actually do what the Bible says to do, I seem pretty smart and seem to land on my feet.
Threes- "You're just plain dumb." Like, when you think you left your cell phone in the golf cart, travel 15 miles from home back to the club only to find you forgot to check one of your pockets.
Fours- "You are just an ignoramus." Like the other day, on I-295, I mentally drifted a bit and actually passed a policeman! Thankfully, he was in a gracious mood.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Card Response...
Last week we asked our people to fill out cards to both update our people database, and to let us know about spiritual decisions they had made.
We had a great response- well over 200 cards were completed. A lot of those were from people who had made spiritual decisions, such as wanting to join the church, wanting to be baptised, or telling us about their salvation decision.
The problem is, we need to talk to all of those people- and there don't seem to be enough hours in the day. If you are one of them, don't get too impatient- we will get to you as soon as possible. If you have a few minutes to spare one weekday, call me in the office between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm, and we can take care of things in just a few minutes.
Hal Hunter
Ministry Pastor
church membership,
dave ramsey,
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